Friday, February 3, 2017

Moni 3.0

About 2 years ago some very good friends of mine told me that they wanted me to meet their neighbor when I was ready.  Generally I wasn't opposed to this sort of thing.  But this guy, they said he was a hard worker, very handsome and they thought I'd really like him.  I however could not wrap my head around dating a guy that climbed trees for a living....what could we possibly have in common?!?!

Well here we are, a couple years later both of us in the right place at the right time and have fallen in love. I suppose Rob and Sandy's cupid arrow has good aim after all. I've decided as all these changes take place in my life so rapidly I should write about it. Because lets me honest, anyone who knows me knows that I am a city girl through and through.

2017 was supposed to be about my racing, conquering my first half ironman in May and hopefully a full marathon.  On December 14th I realized I'd be hanging up my road bike and putting my wetsuit away for a while when I found out I was pregnant.

The new adventures ahead of me are those I could have never forecasted. As I prepare to move myself and my 3 city dogs up the hill I feel terrified and also so excited for this new chapter.

In this blog you can look forward to things I'm encountering along the way such as....when doing a lumberjacks laundry the lint trap will ALWAYS be full of sawdust!

I am currently taking suggestions for the best way to make a gun safe fit in with my bedroom furniture and creative storage for the shotgun shells that seem to be appearing in every corner of my new home.

Stay tuned as this city girl and her city dogs learn the ropes of living in the "toothpicks"!!!

1 comment:

  1. only to happy to be joining you both on your new very happy for you.
