Thursday, April 6, 2017

The new "Norm"

It's been just over 2 months since I first moved up the hill. At first I felt very out of place, heck I was even unsure how to go about collecting the chickens eggs!

I'd like to say that I'm all settled in now but to be honest that wouldn't be the truth! I am getting more comfortable but with each passing week I have another instance that makes me scratch my head and I am quickly reminded I'm not living in the suburbs anymore.

For instance, while at dinner with codys friends. One of them gets a call that a baby goat of his has escaped and is running down the road. This made for a quick end to the night as Cody and his friend paid the bill and took off to wrangle a goat! Now, I used to get calls such as this all the time but it was my dogs breaking out. A goat....that's a new one, for me anyway!

Just a few days later we were invited to the same friends property for a shooting party. Yep, you guessed it! We arrived to see dozens of guns larger than me displayed on tables for everyone to grab and play with. I secured my earplugs, grabbed my odules and stood by the massive burn pile with the only other female in attendance. We talked about her upcoming wedding.....finally It felt as the world I once remembered, for a short time anyhow.

The big exciting happenings on our street is that we've been given the opportunity to put mailboxes on our actual street rather than out on the main road! I secured a PO Box upon moving because the location of those mailboxes wasn't good. But we definitely took quick advantage of this exciting change and bolted a new mailbox to the community post Rob installed for whoever would like to partake. So far we have received.....nothing! :-/

One neighbor decided it would be easier to dig up his mailbox from the main road, post, concrete and ALL and bungee it to his fence. Driving by that has been a constant source of laughter for me!

Last Sunday while at Cody's parents house his mother and I were pulling weeds. I had her miniature donkey Norm on one side of me and her goat on the other. Helping to eat the weeds while I pulled them. Apparently this is a pretty normal thing up here. I'm not sure it will ever be normal for me!

I laugh at the idea of creating a news letter for all 10 residents on our street containing all the latest and greatest news of Kenworth Dr. I can see it now, headlines would include:

4 of the 6 brake drums from the "Free" pile have finally been picked up!

The Easter Bunny seems to have arrived early at the Elderd residence?

Sending out a big thank you to the neighbors who so kindly weedwacked AROUND Sandy's  daffodils.

Late Breaking News - Rob's allergies have kicked in as his sneezes can be heard all the way down our street!

The Elderd's Turkey "Frank" was stolen and half eaten, if anyone has any evidence of the creature responsible please contact them.

Yes these are all actual headlines of events that have recently occurred!

Monday, March 20, 2017

This is not the big city!

The important part of getting settled into a new town consists of trips to the DMV, post office and other exciting places.

It cracked me up that the DMV was small enough I could see every person working there from my seat. The Post Office must only have 2 employees one of which begun remembering me after my first trip in to obtain a PO BOX.

Cody had to leave town for a few days to celebrate his daughters birthday in Disneyland. Go figure this would be the one time of year we get snow in Rescue. Luckily I had Heather staying with me who is accustomed to the mountain life and taught this city girl how to build a fire! Because it got COLD!

While driving around with Cody as he goes to look at prospective jobs it's likely he hears "where are we now" every 10 minutes or so as my eyes are glued to the window in awe of all the amazing homes on the sides of the hills. It's safe to say I will probably never fully learn my wat around these foothills. But that's ok. I know how to get to the grocery store, Walmart, post office, feed store (yes, that's where dog food is purchased - could have fooled me too) and fuel station! What else could I need?

Well a miniature horse of course! Yep one of those is finding its way to our property this week as a favor to one of codys friends. I have to say that though I have no idea how to care for such a thing. Im quite excited at the idea though!

I found myself a little homesick a few weeks ago but just in the nick of time a chunk of my closest people made the trip to spend a Saturday with us. The day consisted of shooting things, burning things and eating and drinking things. It was PERFECT!

Looking forward to a big garden and lots of flowers once this last storm passes!

Monday, February 13, 2017

I've survived 2 whole weeks in the STICKS!

Well this lifestyle change has been every bit as exciting as I anticipated. I'm beginning to notice less and less of those "city girl trying to make it in the sticks" moments. Not sure if this simply means I'm figuring it out up here or the oddities have settled down for the time being.

While messaging with a friend yesterday I needed to ask cody a question. I then had to explain to this friend that it took me so long to get back to her because I had to wait for Cody to stop shooting at things in the driveway before talking to him. The dogs HATE the gunfire, always have and I fear always will. Poor Cody has been very patient with them and I am so appreciative to have a man who accepts me and my wild pack!

The weather has been so beautiful now that the rain has stopped. We enjoyed a wonderful visit from the Clay family yesterday! BBQ'ing, and took a field trip down the road to see the neighbors.

I still have no idea where I am at anytime Cody is driving us around, I informed him that this is a great way for him to insure I never leave our property, and he won't even have to tie me down!

None of my jeans button and the dreams I'm having are beyond strange, Pregnancy sure is weird!

Monday, February 6, 2017

All Moved in and meeting the "extended family"

Driving down 80, trailer in tow with the last of my things, all 3 dogs in the truck I found myself looking around and realizing how many memories are wrapped up in every turn of this town I've called home for nearly 30 years. It was a bitter sweet feeling but I found myself excited for this new chapter and fresh new memories with my new family. 

I was thrilled that integrating all the dogs went very smooth. Couldn't have been more pleased with how that ended up. Saturday also included a massive furniture shuffle picking up baby furniture from various generous friends (thank you so much) and dropping my dining set off with the Clays (thank you so much) 

As I tackled one space at a time in Codys home making room for all my "girly" objects such as placemats for every holdiday, enough candles to light a small mansion and of course my little dogs entire wardrobe I found myself so grateful that this amazing man has accepted me and my herd of dogs into his life; arms wide open! Feeling a tad bad for the guy whose world seems to have been flipped upside down in a moments notice I've done my best to help him feel still at home in his home by doing things such as putting post-it notes around labeling where all his items have moved to! He seems grateful. 

Super Bowl! What better day for me to meet everyone Cody has called friends and family for his entire life! Don't ask me to repeat even one name to you but what a pleasure it was to be a part of his world after I drug him into mine at the Yacht Club multiple times! 

On the way home the directions I was given from his parents to ours consisted of "turn right at the end of this *road*, not here, past the wrecked horse trailer. Yes here at the tractor!" It's been decided that he needs my phone lo-jacked as the next time I attempt to find my way home and if god forbid that tractor has moved. I'll be screwed! A gps location on me will be my only saving grace! 

Something I really enjoy is the quick walk down our road for a visit with Rob, Sandy, Buck and Rita! For years I've been wanting friends within walking distance of me, my original reasoning was so that I could drink as much as I wanted and stumble home safely. That no longer being the case I STILL enjoy having friends so close I can nearly yell at them to see if breakfast is ready! 

That being said I will be doing everything I can to sabatoge their move to the "ConnPound"! 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Moni 3.0

About 2 years ago some very good friends of mine told me that they wanted me to meet their neighbor when I was ready.  Generally I wasn't opposed to this sort of thing.  But this guy, they said he was a hard worker, very handsome and they thought I'd really like him.  I however could not wrap my head around dating a guy that climbed trees for a living....what could we possibly have in common?!?!

Well here we are, a couple years later both of us in the right place at the right time and have fallen in love. I suppose Rob and Sandy's cupid arrow has good aim after all. I've decided as all these changes take place in my life so rapidly I should write about it. Because lets me honest, anyone who knows me knows that I am a city girl through and through.

2017 was supposed to be about my racing, conquering my first half ironman in May and hopefully a full marathon.  On December 14th I realized I'd be hanging up my road bike and putting my wetsuit away for a while when I found out I was pregnant.

The new adventures ahead of me are those I could have never forecasted. As I prepare to move myself and my 3 city dogs up the hill I feel terrified and also so excited for this new chapter.

In this blog you can look forward to things I'm encountering along the way such as....when doing a lumberjacks laundry the lint trap will ALWAYS be full of sawdust!

I am currently taking suggestions for the best way to make a gun safe fit in with my bedroom furniture and creative storage for the shotgun shells that seem to be appearing in every corner of my new home.

Stay tuned as this city girl and her city dogs learn the ropes of living in the "toothpicks"!!!